Monday, September 28, 2009

Day 2 and 3 at Ballito

Day 2 at Ballito, while taking a walk along the beach
we came across this house that had been partially washed away,
isn't that sad, it looked like it was once a nice house.
And it's right on the beach in it's own little corner

Day 3, very overcast and rainy, I guess we will be staying indoors
today, hhmmmm

Day 2, OMG....there's that beached whale again

Day 2, see I'm doing something about that whale... jogging hehee


A Daft Scots Lass said...

Who cares what the weather is?? It just means you have time to set up your own, new blog. Get started...lovely pix, my friend.

Irene said...

I don't see a whale I see a mermaid.